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Find all the ways you can watch, or screen, a variety of Handmade Puppet Dreams films, collections, or volumes! 


These are collections of both commissioned and collected films that have been compiled since the birth of Handmade Puppet Dreams in 2003... and continue to this day! 

Our VOLUMES are available for rental to use at events, festivals, general screenings, etc. They are always free of charge to official UNIMA-USA and Puppeteers of America Guilds, Regional and National Festivals and we offer special discounts for non-profit organizations on a case-by-case basis. 

Click the image below to reach out today! 



You can now rent, purchase, or view two collections and sixteen of our individual commissioned films through Amazon Prime Video, Kanopy and The Roku Channel! 

This is available in all English speaking countries (supposedly), so click on the image below and build your online puppet film collection today! 



Are you needing a special curation for an event? Please reach out to us at the link below to inquire about costs! 

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